Tuesday 17 September 2013

Norfolk Hunters Beware!

During a discussion with some residents of Norfolk County it was brought to my attention that there were some concerns regarding land use for hunters on land that is now owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).  I am still looking for more information but below is a link that mentions "Land Use Fees" for hunters.  It will take some more time to research this, however, I will try to find some more information.



 Taken from their brochure :

"NCC recognizes the important role hunters can play in maintaining a healthy balance in wildlife populations in settles landscapes.  In 2012, more than 300 hundred hunters received permission to access those NCC properties in Norfolk where hunting is allowed.  In a follow-up survey, hunter responses to questions about the permission system, parking system and properties were overwhelmingly positive.  We thank everyone who took the time to fill out the survey."

"Most properties are open for hunting, and are signed accordingly, so please avoid walking on these NCC properties during hunting season."

Just a thought.  So hunting season is pretty much fall until the start of spring.  Isn't fall a busy time for hikers since the leaves have changed colours and it's one of the prettiest times of the year?

Who's going to get the nod?  Hikers or hunters.  Eventually it will be hikers and hunters will lose ground.

I don't understand what is with the hatred that NCC has for horses though.  Considering a lot of Canada was explored on horse back why would they not want horses on the trails?

This sign is just missing the "No Seniors or Disabled People" logo's as well.  Maybe there just wasn't enough room but it's always nice to see corporations like The Nature Conservancy of Canada restricting access to unhealthy people.  I'm so glad my Federal dollars help pay to keep them out.  NOT!!!!

The Canadian with Disabilities Act doesn't apply to a Corporation that has politician's in their pockets.

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