Tuesday, 29 October 2013

By Popular Demand - 'The Brochure'

With the article from Betty Chanyi in the Port Rowan Good News having been recently released regarding our first brochure, the response has been overwhelming for us to include more citizens in our distribution list.  So many of you have emailed us asking for more information about what was said on the flyer to cause such a stir, we feel compelled to list it out for you.  In the article Ms Chanyi accuses us of distributing 'misguided misinformation'.  With this being a double negative as defined in the English language, the negatives would cancel each other and the result would be "Guided Information".  That sounds correct!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Special Community Event on Tues. Nov. 5, 6:30pm - The Wrong Kind of Conservation ****NEW LOCATION****

The Norfolk Community invites everyone to attend this Community Members Sponsored event on Tuesday November 5th at 6:30 p.m. at the Port Rowan Community Centre.

Come hear Author, Elizabeth Nickson: OLA Director of Research, Elizabeth Marshall; FCPP President, Peter Holle and OFTR Executive Director, David Grummett describe their experiences with the NCC and Conservation Authorities throughout North America.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Giant Sinkhole Discovered In Norfolk County.

A giant sinkhole has been discovered in Norfolk County, Ontario.

The recent discovery, has the local residents wondering how deep the hole actually is.

Sources close to the situation feel that the source of the sinkhole is located at 50 Colborne Street South, Simcoe, Ontario.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Suspicious Barn Fire at a NCC Owned Property this Morning.

The 5 alarm barn fire occurred at approximately 4:30 am this morning on the 5th Concession of South Walsingham.  The fire department did not have a key to the gate and had to waste time to remove it before being able to get to the scene. The very large, well built barn had flames that could be seen for miles around.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Council in Committee Meeting October 1, 2013 - Verbatim

The videos can be found here :                           

part 1
part 2
If you only have time for 1, watch the second video and pay close attention to what happens when everyone leaves.  You may have to turn up the volume a bit.

Our Beloved Backus Mill - Neglected but not forgotten

For many generations the Backus (Grist) Mill has been a monumental landmark in Norfolk County.  Built in 1798 it stands tall and proud as a representation of everything that has made not only Norfolk County but Canada what it is today.  It reminds us of the sense of community, the dedication, and the triumphs of our early settlers to the area and gives us all a tremendous amount of pride. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Norfolk County Councillors at the Trough in LPRCA

Are Norfolk County Councillors the best choices for running the LPRCA?  Each meeting of Directors cost the LPRCA an estimated $9,500.  10 Directors for a Company with 20 full time employees.  $19,663 charitable donation receipts given.  The Directors alone cost $6.75 for each $1 donated.

Would you invest in a Company that loses money every single year?  Last year net profit was -$126,834.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Toads, Toads and more Toads.

So you received a brochure on an endangered species and are wondering how it will affect your property on Long Point?  We've put together the facts so that you are aware of the situation you are now facing.  It's not nearly as sugar coated as Councillor Chanyi would have you believe.

The long and short of it is that NO development must occur in the area.  The area is deemed to be 700 metres inland from the waters edge.  This includes all the cottages on Long Point.

This has not been finalized yet so you still have time.  If this does happen to go through you will need to get approval for any 'development' from LPRCA.  There is a cost and from all accounts working with LPRCA as a private citizen compares to a root canal.  If you happen to buy Backus Woods on the cheap from them, there is no issue getting whatever you want as in the case of NCC.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Another Norfolk County Boondoggle Costing The Residents More Money.

So, the Lagoon clean-up in Port Rowan will only go over the estimated budget by $200,000 to $300,000?

Council initially thought the job could get done for $291,000.  After that money had been spent, the new tender came in at a mere $774,500.  Not sure how they consider $200,000-$300,000 over budget equals $774,500, however, they have a way of doing math like we've never seen before.

Norfolk Council In Comittee Meeting - Oct 2, 2013 - 4th Concession Closure.

Who's said Town Council meetings are boring?  This one had it all.

Thanks for every one who came out to show support and to those that didn't, you don't know the fun you missed.  Not quite the FE-NA-LI of Breaking Bad but likely the most fun in Norfolk since Mumford and Son's left town.

With the Mayor feeling the need to tell a Councillor that he did not need to stand when addressing Mr. Cline, (which we assume was out of the councillor's respect for the gentleman; to a vote on whether to interrogate a private citizen at the meeting,  even though his Solicitor was giving the deputation (which was a Yea 5-4); to another Councillor addressing a member of the community in a way we personally found offensive.  Exciting times folks and make sure you're there for the next episode!

Friday, 4 October 2013

The 4th Concession Saga - Summary

Here's a summary of the documents and actions regarding the closure of the 4th Concession of South Walsingham and the attempt to reopen it for Public Access.  Left in limbo momentarily while Council consults it's Solicitors.

1 Road
147 Citizens and a private landowner who's been gated from his land
Norfolk Council, the Norfolk Road Division & The Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Saga Continues...

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Historic Bridges of Norfolk County

The Historic Bridges of Norfolk County

What with the 4th Concession bridge being so prominent in the news lately, we thought it would be nice to feature some of the other historic and beautiful bridges that can be found throughout Norfolk County.

The Simcoe Reformer Article regarding the closing of the 4th Concession


An image of the  bridge that is being estimated as needing over $100,000 in repairs.  It measures 24 feet long by 10 feet wide and it's current age is roughly 20 years.

Norfolk Council Salaries 2012

Norfolk Council Salaries 2012

Mayor Dennis Travale was paid $59,600 plus $6,506 in expenses.

Travale was provided an additional $600 per diem and $306 in expenses to sit on the
Long Point Region Conservation Authority as well as $7,025 as a member of the
Norfolk Power Inc. board of directors.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Council Meeting Today at 5PM! See you there.

Today the meeting to review the bylaw on the closing of the 4th Concession of South Walsingham will take place.

Hope to see you all there to support the reopening.

Norfolk County Administration Building,
50 Colborne St. S., Simcoe ON N3Y 4H3
Tuesday October 1st, 5PM.

Mr Ross Bateman's letter to CBC to allow everyone access to Backus Woods

Backus Woods is a forest of hundreds of acres north of Lake Erie in Norfolk County, Ontario.  It’s part of the Backhouse Mill and homestead, established in 1797 by John C. Backhouse.  In a past generation, many of the family members changed their name from Backhouse to Backus. (Who knows why?) Backus Woods is the best remnant of an extreme southern Canadian forest; the jewels of these woods are the groves of Tulip Trees that tower over the forest canopy.