Friday, 9 May 2014

The Long Point Conservation Authority - A Visual

We've had a large number of Citizens asking us for more detailed information regarding our post on how the Long Point Region Conservation Authority is feasting at the trough.  There seems to be some kind of virus in Norfolk County since it would appear that County Staff is also infected.

A few cases of PED (Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea) reported in Norfolk County but this is something different.  PED has a 100% mortality rate in nursing piglets.  What Norfolk County is experiencing is a different kind of PED (Politician Epidemic Diarrhea) might be a better description for it.

This peculiar infection causes hogs to be so insatiable at the trough they forget where the slop comes from and who's feeding them.

We've taken the data from the Canada Revenue Agency on LPRCA's income tax filings and have made charts for a quick view of what is happening at the trough.  This should make it a little easier to get the 'Big Picture' for everyone.

You will hear constant complaining from the PED that the Province has reduced funding so much that they must now lean on their Municipal partners for a refill. The alleged reason that Backus Woods had to be sold to the Nature Conservancy of Canada was to get off the taxpayers teat.  LPRCA received the money from the sale in 2009.  How did that theory work out for them?  It merely slowed down the gravy train.

In the below chart you can clearly see the giant leap the assets took when Backus Woods was sold.  LPRCA took over the Big Creek Conservation Authority which had purchased the Woods for $156,000 from Mr. Backus.  It's wide spread knowledge in the community that part of that original sale had a clause in it that it was never to be sold as per Mr. Backus and his family.

According to the W. Garfield Weston Foundation press release, they paid $6.1-million for Backus Woods in 2011.  These funds are alleged to be locked in 2 trust funds and cannot be touched.  As part of the deal the LPRCA must now get approval from the Nature Conservancy of Canada to purchase any property it wish's to acquire.  Since the funds are untouchable by the LPRCA they are struggling to find the cash to repair the Canadian Heritage building, The Backus Mill.  The Mill has survived 218 Canadian winters but it can't survive the cold shoulder from it's care takers.

We know our math gets overwhelming at times but here's a simple equation for you.  Let's round down the $6.1-m to $6-m even to cover possible kickbacks and payoffs and so we can work with a round number.  If you had 6 mil sitting in your bank you could reasonably expect a 2% interest rate couldn't you?  So every year you'd have an extra $120,000 in your account.  See the chart below for the income tax filings from the LPRCA declaring how much interest they made.

For the record LPRCA received the money in 2009.  What's with the drop in interest after 2008?  The return on investment appears to produce an income comparable to a chequing account.  Just a guess but we'd say Norfolk County uses the same investment firm.

This is the tell tale chart.  Seems to have Norfolk County Councils signature all over it.
Reduce services as they spend money uncontrollably.  Some people may think that we're too hard on the LPRCA but then again, we're not married to them or do work for them.  We expect 'conservation' of our tax dollars.

Too bad the LRPCA hasn't filed yet for 2013.  It will get worse before it gets better.  There is an election coming up in October so maybe some of these hogs will go to the abattoir.  Stop the infection.

Look at what's happening at the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.

NPCA has been firing it's top staff after running their mandate train off the tracks.  Just when you thought it was going to get cleaned up, a questionable hiring decision puts a new locomotive engineer at the helm of the newly defined gravy train.  Vowing accountability and transparency all the way down the track.

"Pigs stay on the farm, Hogs go to slaughter"

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