Tuesday, 8 July 2014

More Norfolk County Budget Woes

This evening on the docket for Norfolk County council to consider are no less than 6 issues that will require budget amendments.  From a Crossing Guard to a front end loader it will all need approval and more money than what was allocated in the last budget.

Today alone council will vote on going over budget by a whooping $246,494.68.  That's nothing compared to the almost $2 million that was approved last time council was in committee.  5 issues were on the table then and it seems that every time they get together more of our money gets burned.  Hopefully they start the summer break soon so that the reserve accounts also get a break.

The County Road construction reserve account is in such dismal shape they don't even post the 2013 actual numbers.  Staff even use a 'projected balance' on the report they send to council instead of the actual.  Tax payers will certainly be in for a surprise at the end of this year when a new budget comes forth.

It appears the money will be available from the Norfolk Power sale and will most certainly go to refilling the depleted reserve accounts.  Half of the $66-m will be required just to bail out the roads department alone.

The Town of Simcoe is certainly getting the lions share of the loot for their roads.  An almost $4-m upgrade to fill in the hole that was under the CN underpass on highway 24 and more money again this week.  One would almost think that Simcoe only had dirt roads until now.  Maybe council doesn't realize there are other parts to Norfolk County than Simcoe.

This is becoming a recurring nightmare with no end in sight.  We've barely passed the halfway mark of the financial year and the reserve accounts are once again taking a beating.

Here's what council will decide on later today :

Robinson Street reconstruction

- New County Administration Building is expected to have impacts on local traffic pattern.

1. Queen Street North and Cedar Street / Maple Street modification. Paint lines and redo median
2. School zone Maximum speed slowed to 40km/h during school hours
3. Queen Street North and Union Street curb extension additions
4. Robinson Street onto Queen Street.  Restrict turning.
5. Queen Street North and County Road 1. Removal of advance green and paint lines.
6. Kars Street and Marshall Lane.  Paint missing lines.
7. Add missing pedestrian link for Queen Street North corridor.

Budget overrun - $50,000


Colborne Street North and Young Street driver awareness devices installed.
Warning signs and flashing lights instead of the current 4 way stop.

Budget overrun - $10,000


Articulated 4 wheel drive front end loader purchase

Originally budgeted at $190,000

Current cost is $254,702

Budget overrun - $64,702

Funds to be taken from the Capital Equipment Pool Replacement Reserve.


Big Creek Overflow Bridge, Structure # 109

1st Concession Road, South Walsingham

Lowest tender $340,323
Engineering    $50,000
HST             $6,869.68

Estimated total construction cost $397,192.68

Budget was $300,000

Budget overrun - $97,192.68

Funds to be taken from Road Construction Reserve Account
which has an estimated balance of -$27,236,270 as of Dec 31, 2013


Crossing guard for Parker Drive and Charleton Crescent

Budget overrun - $3,600

Cost goes to $8000 per year in 2015


Purchase Latitude Geographics Geocortex GIS software

Budget overrun - $21,000


Total Budget Overrun $246,494.68

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