Thursday, 21 August 2014

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

A concerned Citizen recently sent us a copy of a very disconcerting document which we are now releasing to the public for the very first time.

This is a purchase agreement between the financially struggling Long Point Region Conservation Authority and The Nature Conservancy of Canada whereby a 45.2 acre parcel is sold.

The purchase price is $0 but the 2 parties swap a $2 bill and The Nature Conservancy of Canada agrees to 'donate' $360,000 to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority.

PIN : 50126-0152 LT

Description : Pt Lt Con 2 South Walsingham Designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, Plan 37R-10556, T/W NR560740; S/T NR223182; Norfolk County

It is believed that the land was donated to the LPRCA in good faith.

This particular sale agreement had a number of conditions on it and 2 of them were intentionally deleted from public view by the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

Since this land likely contained a former farmers field the LPRCA will absorb all costs for the planting native plant species and managing the property.  The Long Point Region Conservation Authority will be allowed to slaughter the existing trees.  Basically this means that the tax payers will absorb the high costs of the work performed by the LPRCA but to offset it, they can chop down trees.

The people responsible for this deal are :

Ian Barnett, Vice President Regional Operations, NCC

Roger Geysens, Chair of LPRCA, Councilor of Norfolk County

Cliff Evanitski, GM of LPRCA, Deputy Mayor of Bayham

By using a charitable donation as a way of moving the funds around NCC would receive a charitable donation receipt and substantial tax credit.

It appears that the financial support for this shady transaction is coming from the Minister of the Environment through Environment Canada's Natural Areas Conservation Program.  We know this sounds a bit confusing but it's more or less a cycle of moving money where the tax payer gets the bill each step of the way and a private company ends up with the property.

EC (Canadian Tax Payers) gives NCC (Private Behemoth) $360k which in turn gives it to LPRCA (Norfolk Tax Payers) who then writes them a charitable receipt.  Are you confused by this scheme yet?  Seems like a long way around for one Government Agency to donate to another one doesn't it?  One would need to be a professional government teat sucker to master this strategy.

With the Long Point Region Conservation Authority's refusal for any type of fiscal restraint it's little wonder that they've found themselves in a position to secretly sell off their assets.  This will not be noted on their annual report and they will still claim to 'manage' these lands at a cost to tax payers.  They are of course still managing them but they technically no longer own them. 

The LPRCA reported a Net Income of $372,765 in the year 2013.
Donations totaled $389,500. Whew, lucky them. 

They slaughtered $670,272 worth of trees to pay for their high priced salaries.

Salaries $2,223,194 | Administration $282,194 | Professional Fees $683,777

Total $3,189,165 of their $4,110,492 total expenses.  They'll be back at Council soon enough for a refill of the trough.  "Pig-Hoo-o-o-o-ey"

The Entire Agreement

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