County Contact Below - Ask for restoration of our historic bridges rather than closure and destruction.
There is something to be said about a bridge, any bridge. We as people flock around the world to see the engineering marvels that have been constructed to join Cities, Countries, lives or simply stand as a symbol of human progress. Bridges are some of the worlds most recognized landmarks because of the strength, beauty and sense of purpose that they represent. If you have ever experienced, the Tango Bridge, The Golden Gate, The Tower Bridge, The Golden Jubilee, The Confederation Bridge, Lions Gate or any of the like, you can easily appreciate the true power of a bridge.
Now take a walk through your childhood, think back to all of the bike rides that you took with your friends, the walks down the dirt roads while exploring the wilderness, or the impromptu fishing trips and somewhere in the journey there was a bridge. There's the bridges from which you swam, jumped, swung, skipped stones, watched the ducks, watched the fish, or dangled your fishing line. These are the bridges that kept you coming back week after week just because there is something to be said about a bridge.
Norfolk County has a number of historic bridges that we all know and love. Unfortunately, these bridges are now at risk of closure or demolition. We cross many bridges in our commutes that are fabricated out of concrete built only to serve the purpose of connecting highways for vehicular traffic and maybe that is why we have become complacent to the closure of bridges from our past.
Norfolk County is also a famous location for bird watching, reptile enthusiasts and photographers who like to appreciate the beauty that our County has to offer. We can think of no better place to sit and watch the wonders of Norfolk's Carolinian habitats than from a bridge tucked away into the wilderness. Snakes are often seen on bridges soaking up the sun or nesting near the footings. The view of the nesting ducks on the shoreline of the rivers and streams could be a further boost to our tourism economy as it would appeal to the thousands that flock to Norfolk for this exact purpose.
In recent years Norfolk has started to become the County of Inaccessibility, especially in Ward 1. With the closure of most of our Historic Bridges, the closure of the 4th Concession and the recommendation to close the Public Beach, we may as well start kissing the remainder of our Tourism revenue goodbye.
There is a meeting regarding the Concession A Bridge on Monday December 9th at the Port Rowan Community Centre to determine if this bridge will be permanently closed. If you believe that these Bridges are an important piece of Norfolk's history, or could be used for Tourism, please go to the meeting. The County seems to think that all bridges in the County must be those approved for super highway use and this is unnecessary. We would like everyone to show the County that we prefer bridge restoration rather than destruction or replacement. There are a number of firms that would be willing to restore this type of bridge and at a cost likely far less than what the County would lead you to believe.
Many people would also consider some beautiful covered bridges to add to the appeal of the County.
The USA has a National Program dedicated to the preservation of Historic Bridges. The State of Ohio is a leader in promoting Covered Bridges and this link will send you to a list of bridges by State.
Please attend the meeting to voice your opinions or contact Gary Houghton at Norfolk County via phone or email. All ideas are welcome so please let the County know your opinion.
Public Works and Environmental Services Contacts:
Use any number, Dial any extension - 519-426-5870 or 519-582-2100 or 519-875-4485 or 519-426-6170
- Gary Houghton, Manager Engineering x 1600 (
A list of the bridges at risk are as follows:
8th Concession Road Bridge
Concession A Road Bridge
Hazen Road Bridge
Misner Dam Bridge
Porter Bridge
St. Johns Road Bridge
Troyer Road Bridge
Windham 19 Road Bridge
And of course the 4th Concession Bridge with the Norfolk County Roads Manager estimating it needing $400,000 worth of repairs! The Provincial Bridge inspection program asks that only guardrails need to be installed to bring it up to code.
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