As residents of Norfolk County you can’t help but notice all
of the news regarding the upcoming municipal elections. There is a distinct buzz in the air as each
brave, determined, soul announces his or her candidacy for either Mayor
or Councilor. Elections, of all types,
in Canada have changed drastically since the first elected assembly in 1758,
and for the better, if we might add. The
ideology remains the same in the fact that a person would put themselves
forward as a deserving candidate and the qualified voters would choose who is best
to represent their riding.
The notable difference in Canadian elections history within the 202 years following the 1758 election is regarding equality and transparency in our electoral systems. For these two hundred plus years the people of this great Country struggled with the limitations of the “Privilege” to vote for their rights and freedoms. Although Canada entered into Confederation in 1867, it did not put an end to the manipulation of the vote or the blatant discrimination encountered at the time of each election.
The notable difference in Canadian elections history within the 202 years following the 1758 election is regarding equality and transparency in our electoral systems. For these two hundred plus years the people of this great Country struggled with the limitations of the “Privilege” to vote for their rights and freedoms. Although Canada entered into Confederation in 1867, it did not put an end to the manipulation of the vote or the blatant discrimination encountered at the time of each election.