Friday 28 March 2014

Norfolk County's 2013 Sunshine List

Norfolk County 2013 Employee Sunshine List

 The Provincial Sunshine List was released today and Norfolk County had 17 staff workers that made the over $100k per year club.  The total for keeping these high priced workers totals $2,015,833.12.  We've posted what they made in 2012 as well so you can see if they received raises or not.

In a few cases there was a drop in wages.  Was this based on performance or lack there of?  We know that our Roads Manager, Bill Cridland had some of his wages reduced.  Could that be because he's managed to run his department into a $30-million hole?

If that's the case how would you explain the raise that Eric D'Hondt received?  His department seldom comes within budget but he enjoyed an almost 4% increase for a poorly performed job. 

With all of the problems that the Citizen's in Norfolk are having with new Planning issues, it's unsurprising that Jim McIntosh had money clawed back and just announced his retirement.  Patricia Moore was the biggest winner receiving an almost 10% raise.  Ms. Moore does run a tight ship in the Health and Social Services department and kept the department in the black for their budget.

Chris Baird received a rather small increase but again if it's based on performance that would even be too much.  The Planning Department of Norfolk County is one of the most expensive there is.

The Financial guru at the helm, John Ford received an almost 5% increase while Norfolk struggles with it's burdenBeing Open for Business and our financial record speaks for itself.

Norfolk County is one the best places to work if you are in it for the income and there's very little accountability from our poorly paid Councilors, who it appears work for Staff and not the tax payers who elected them.  Unfortunately there's a current hiring freeze going on right now but with management's whopping bill, how can we afford real workers?

Our Tourism Manager, Clark Hoskin only received a 2.5% increase but he is rather unenthusiastic when it comes to promoting Norfolk County.  Mark our words, the Internet IS catching on and someday people will use it as a tool to find a vacation destination.  Wouldn't it be nice if Norfolk County actually had updated information available worldwide instead of the mail out flyer they send out locally?  Maybe the Tourism Department needs to hire another person to help promote Norfolk County?  Oh wait, they did that last year.

Only 18 people have visited Long Point Provincial Park according to tripadvisor.  Even Port Dover doesn't have much for people to research before planning on visiting.

This should be one of the easiest jobs on the planet.  Promoting one of the BEST County's in Ontario!

ROBICHEAU KEITHCounty Manager$164,011.73 $162,687.10 0.81%
MOORE PATRICIAGeneral Manager, Health & Social Services$146,924.56 $134,173.51 9.50%
D'HONDT ERICPublic Works & Environmental Services$146,287.65 $140,743.02 3.94%
WEBB KANDYGM, Employee & Business Services$137,074.43 $132,278.41 3.63%
BAIRD CHRISTOPHERGM, Planning & Economic Development$133,839.80 $132,173.51 1.26%
LICHACH KEVINGM, Community Services$126,579.08 $122,935.69 2.96%
FORD JOHNGeneral Manager, Financial Services$118,327.93 $112,935.69 4.77%
FIELDS ROBERTManager, Environmental Services$107,591.44 $105,109.18 2.36%
STEEN JILLManager, Public Health$107,271.42 $102,665.84 4.49%
WATSON MARLENEManager, Fleet & Facilities$106,973.62 $102,775.54 4.08%
HOSKIN CLARKManager, Tourism and Economic Development$105,007.74 $102,433.30 2.51%
MCINTOSH JIMManager, Community Planning$103,041.97 $107,317.93 -3.98%
SAMS FRANKManager, Parks, Facilities and Recreation$103,041.94 $102,210.02 0.81%
WALLACE BRENTManager, Information Systems$103,041.91 $106,097.63 -2.88%
ROUSE DARWINManager, Emergency Medical Services$103,037.05 $102,433.30 0.59%
CRIDLAND WILLIAMManager, Roads$103,016.43 $105,886.93 -2.71%
HAZLEWOOD JERRYField Supervisor-Emergency Medi$100,764.42 new

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